
Thierry Deau’s appointment as Chief Technical Officer of Serac group.

Thierry Deau is appointed as Chief Technical Officer of Serac group. He joins Thierry Adam (CFO), Stefano Vernocchi (CCO) and Yves de Parseval (COO) on the Group's Executive Committee, led By Dino chece (CEO).

Thierry Deau is appointed as Chief Technical Officer of Serac group. He joins Thierry Adam (CFO), Stefano Vernocchi (CCO) and Yves de Parseval (COO) on the Group’s Executive Committee led by Dino Chece (CEO)

Thierry Deau is a passionate professional leader, with extensive expertise in providing leadership in Automation and machine engineering.? These various experiences have enabled him to acquire valuable knowledge and to actively participate in the implementation of innovative projects.

The packaging sector is developing in a context of profound?transformation linked to the challenges facing the factory of the future. Thierry therefore has a decisive role to play in the development of Serac machines and will support the company in its transformation.

Thierry Deau

Group’s Chief Technical Officer

“ Technologies change faster and become more complex, automation and digitalization become key points… With Industry of the Future, we are fortunate to experience a real transformation, a source of product innovation for the end consumer, but also a unique moment of extraordinary technological innovation for Serac teams. Creating a shared vision for the next years will enable us to anticipate this exciting future. The vision will be our destination and the strategy helps to determine the path to get there.

Knowhow, professionalism and motivation will do the difference in this transformation, I strongly believe on it. “

Thierry Deau - Group's Chief Technical Officer


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