
A two-compartment product tank offers new opportunities, especially for co-packers

An highly versatile and cost-effective bottling unit which can be operated in limited space.

“ With a two-compartment tank, the filling machine can bottle on a single line all kinds of products, from liquid to viscous, and thus gain new markets with no further investments. “

from 200 ml to 10 liters

One set of valves can fill containers ranging from 200 ml to 10 liters.

“Multi-color” filling machine

“Multi-color” filling machine

A two-compartment product tank offers new opportunities, especially for co-packers

Originally designed to produce sequences of the same product in 2 different colours or fragrances, the Multi-Color machines benefit from a cutting-edge dispensing system associated with a two-compartment tank.

Having the possibility to overpress the central compartment of the tank also offers new opportunities, especially for co-packers. With such a machine one can bottle on a single line all kinds of products, from liquid to viscous, and thus gain new markets with no further investments.

Flexibility is associated with production efficiency as one set of valves can fill containers ranging from 200 ml to 10 liters; downtimes are significantly reduced.

A two-compartment product tank

A two-compartment product tank

Working in close partnership with the Home & Personal Care industry worldwide, Serac is using its global view of manufacturers, co-packers and retailers’ needs to develop creative packaging solutions which provide maximum flexibility on these highly segmented markets.




Application Sectors

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  • 個人護理灌裝機


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